Sunday, July 6, 2014

Day 9 - July 5, 2014
Interior, South Dakota (Badlands)
to Rapid City, South Dakota (Black Hills)

It was the quickest drive yet, but we went on some crazy, windy roads with one way tunnels and bridges. We even saw a mountain goat.

We got up early hoping to eat at the most amazing breakfast place called the Cedar Pass Lodge. They have this yummy Indian Fry Bread covered in sugar and cinnamon with wojabi, which is a berry pudding for dipping. They had a buffet instead so we decided to take one more look at the Badlands and say goodbye. 
I forgot to tell you yesterday. We found out at the rodeo by eavesdropping, that a hiker fell and broke their leg on the same trail with the ladder that we hiked on. They had to send in rangers and EMS to carry him/her out.  

Before lunch, we arrived at Mount Rushmore. I was amazed at the detail and the boys pointed out which president had nostrils and which did not. We learned it took over 400 men to construct it over fourteen years and there were no fatalities. Pretty impressive!

Brotherly love.... not!

A little history-- (I actually learned this by having a read-aloud in the car on the way.)

Originally, Doane Robinson conceived the idea and wanted to bring tourism to South Dakota. In 1924, he enlisted sculptor, Gutzom Borglum. Originally, Robinson wanted to carve famous westerners in The Needles of the Black Hills, but Gutzon said he wanted national heroes and that The Needles were too brittle to carve into. He chose each president for what he symbolized:
George Washington- Struggle for independence
Thomas Jefferson - Territorial expansion of our country
Theodore Roosevelt - Industrial growth of our nation
Abraham Lincoln - Equality for all citizens

What do we each symbolize?

Norbeck Wildlife Preserve - lots of hair-pin turns and one-way tunnels. In the distance is Mount Rushmore, but you can't make it out. 

The Needles of the Black Hills- eroded granite pillars and spires.
(No dirty comments please. It is a spire.)

Mountain Goat!!!!

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